European Softball Survey
Hier nochmal eine Umfrage in Sachen Softball von Sonja Garnett, frühere Bundesliga-Spielerin der Mannheim Tornados und Spielerin in der A1 bei Legnano in Italien. Für ihre Master Thesis bittet sie alle europäischen Softball-Spieler/innen, Coaches und sonstwie Beteiligten am europäischen Softball um Teilnahme an ihrer Umfrage.
The recruitment of United States athletes in European softball.
You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by Sonja Garnett, a Master’s Candidate in Sport Management at California State University, Long Beach. You have been invited to participate because you are involved with European softball.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the European recruitment of softball players and coaches from the United States as perceived by those involved in the process.
Potential benefits: Your involvement in this study is important in evaluating the current use of United States recruited athletes in European softball, and the information available in regards to this practice. Your responses could help in the growth and development of international softball.
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